Mercenaries 2 pc gamestop
Mercenaries 2 pc gamestop

mercenaries 2 pc gamestop

Even if a game ends up being mediocre (as was the case when I bought Mercenaries 2: World in Flames and when a friend bought FEAR2: Project Origin), you really can't get mad at $10. I will admit that I missed out on playing some fantastic games early on, but you can't argue with paying $10 for Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Dead Space and Warhawk. Pick up the games you really want on launch day and save the ones that seem iffy to be picked up in 4-6 months when they go on sale in the bargain bin for $10-$20 at Target/Wal-Mart/Amazon. Getting back to my personal "no trade" policy, it's more economical to shop smart in the first place so that you don't have to worry about scrounging up old games in an attempt to make a quick buck. Both you and the buyer win out in a private sale. If you sell someone a copy of Modern Warfare 2 for $30 on your own, it's a lot better than getting jacked by Gamestop when they tell you "oops, your game is only worth $15", only to have them turn around and sell it to some uneducated and unsuspecting sucker for $45.

mercenaries 2 pc gamestop

That being said, if you really want to trade in your games, sell them on craiglist, gaming forums or ebay.

mercenaries 2 pc gamestop

Venezuela instead of Korea is biggest difference. Now couple years later we got the same game with different setting. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is the sequel to 2005s Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction, released in North America on August 31, 2008. Game with idea GTA goes to war was brilliant. GameFly Digital is offering deals on Company of Heroes. Mercenaries 2 World in bugs 0 Mercenaries 2: World in Flames(Xbox 360) by danteveli on DecemFirst part of Mercenaries was one of best titles served us on original xbox. Fall releases are rapidly approaching, so its time to fill your PC backlog while you can.


I think even Blockbuster may allow people to rent games without a set return date now. Weekend PC download deals: Arkham series for 47. If you're going to trade in games quickly like the genius who conjured up this rubbish suggested, you're better off picking up a Gamefly subscription and renting games on a regular basis. A power-hungry tyrant messes with Venezuela's oil supply, sparking an invasion that turns the country into a warzone. I never trade in games because honestly, it's simply NOT worth it. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is an explosive open-world action game set in a massive, highly reactive, war-torn world. Visit the purchase page for more information. The best piece of advice this donkey could have given to folks who do trade in games is to sell them privately. Where can I buy MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries You can purchase MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries and Heroes of the Inner Sphere DLC on Steam, GoG, PlayStation 4 & 5 consoles and Xbox consoles, Epic Games Store, Microsoft Store, and Xbox Game Pass for PC.

Mercenaries 2 pc gamestop